
Monday, February 02, 2009

Who'd uh thunk it?

I have not been writing for my blog for about a year or so. If you look at the last entry it's kind of spooky.
Here we are in 2009 with a new president... To be honest with you I thought that Mitt Romney would probably have been sworn in by now. But, oh no. Who did the republicans run? Does the name John McCain ring a bell. I forgive you if you forgot.
What a loser! This guy couldn't to get out of the way of a freight train. What the hell were the republicans thinking about? Did they forget where he was on immigration and Gitmo? The only thing John what's his name had going for him was that he was right about the "surge."
Well anyway, the nation needed a kick in the ass, and they got it. Barack Hussein Obama.
Man did he ever take the nation by storm... Every bleeding heart from under every rock came out for this guy. He used the Internet like a rented mule. Pretty smart guy, after all he learned his political lessons the hard way, Chicago gutter politics. Actually it is only gutter politics when they emerge from the sewer.
Well whatever, it's all over now but the "stimulus packages." We're going to spend more money bailing out losers that we did to win WWII.
Guess it's time to get back on the local beat again... Not a moment to soon. The LC FTM (Financial Town Meeting for you auslanders) is just over the horizon.
The Little Compton Taxpayers Association is all over the new "liberal" school committee with their video cameras. Check out Cox Channel 17 for a schedule of televised meetings of the school committee and town council.
What with the stalled economy, State contributions to the towns being cut to the bone and the ever declining Tax Cap, local elected officials and department heads are pulling out their hair to try to make ends meet. Face it boys and girls, it's time to get out the scissors.
